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Everything you need to know about bulk SMS marketing

What is bulk SMS?

Spreading a message/SMS to a large volume(bulk) of a mobile phone through a normal messaging system is said to be Bulk SMS. These types of SMS are mainly used for reminders, promotions, alerts, preventing fraudulent activities, etc…. It is also known as SMS marketing and nowadays it commonly comes under mobile marketing.

Simply bulk SMS is a messaging service that is used to send SMS to a wide range of customers/audiences at the same time or scheduled time.

Uses of Bulk SMS

Bulk SMS is mainly used for promoting/advertising any type of product and service to a mass number of people. For sending a notification about something which you have already shown interest in. About any transaction information that you asked for or any promoting information about a new product.

Type of OTPs and other passcodes for any safety measures or authentication purposes. Reminders and alerts for the existing customers about the end of the sale, new products, discounts, coupons, flash sales, offers, etc...

Also, use bulk SMS for entertainment purposes such as sending invites to any event or program.

Sharing any important news or useful information to the people who need awareness. And also you can send an SMS newsletter. Any sort of text message for different uses.

Uses of Bulk SMS
. Promotional bulk SMS
. Transactional bulk SMS
. Service explicit
. Service implicit
. Smart SMS

Promotional bulk SMS

Promotional SMS is mainly used to promote one’s product or business to new customers or existing customers to reach their sales goal and also can be used for high sale conversion. We are living in a competitive world, so we should be aware of everything in such a way you can promote your business to the next level to achieve more. Promotional SMS can be sent from 9 am to 9 pm. Mainly you can target the customers according to the service you are providing. Can acquire more benefits in promotional bulk SMS.

Transactional bulk SMS

Bulk Transactional SMS is mainly used for transaction purposes such as SMS sent by the banking sectors, order confirmation messages from other e-commerce sites, shipping-related SMS, live tracking links, payment, and other transactional details & instructions. These are automated SMS that can be sent to the already registered customers or the buyers of the product or the service which the merchant is selling. While compared to promotional SMS, transactional SMS is 100% deliverable.

Service explicit

Service explicit SMS will be delivered to the customer who had shown interest to receive the promotions or other services through SMS. These SMS are also used to send offers, discounts, and other updates of the product or service to the agreed customers. And also it falls under certain criteria while sending SMS.

Service implicit

Service implicit SMS is similar to explicit SMS, it also cannot be received by the user without their assent. This SMS can be used to send order and booking-related information, OTPs, and alerts for registered customers. Implicit service SMS should not be used to send marketing-related SMS.


A one-time password is an auto-generated unique shortcode that can be received by the user to their mobile numbers. Specifically used for preventing malicious attacks, banking-related entries, password verifications, primary identifications, strong authentications, and for other security purposes. It has no time management it will be sent while the user requests it. It will be sent within one minute and last till the session time. You can get a live real-time delivery report.

Smart SMS

Smart SMS is a premium service that helps to send images, videos, audios, pdfs, and other attachments as a link in normal text messages. You can track the geo-location, can able to identify who opened the link and who doesn’t, and also the count of the members who clicked the link. Instead of using bulk Whatsapp, you can use smart SMS as it is the smartest one for sending all these in a single link in the text message format.

Specialization of Rat SMS

. We should not set any validity for the SMS credit.
. You can have various price slabs according to your convenience.
. Happily giving you lifetime validity.
. Free demo SMS credits.
. On-time work progressing and more…

These are the uniqueness of Rat SMS.